Brand Building Coach Tutsirai Jenje Talks Importance of Clarity and Defining Success

Photo provided by Tutsirai Jenje

Tutsirai Jenje is a Brand Building Coach who is passionate about helping individuals build successful legacy brands. She is happily married and a mother of two boys and has over 12 years experience in advertising and marketing.

Tutsirai has worked with different teams as a creative director for brands that are now giants in their markets. She currently owns an online business (TJ Online Courses) that provides training for individuals to learn the essential steps of building a successful brand that will sell.

She is also co-owner of Artworks Advertising, an advertising agency, and co-owner of Borrowdale Medical Center – both of these businesses are in partnership with her brother Pathias Maigurira.

Tutsirai has trained in Leadership Development through the John C Maxwell Facilitator program, under Equip Zimbabwe. She is trained in IP with World Intellectual Property (WIPO), under the TISC Network in Zimbabwe, which gives her a better appreciation for idea generation and how to protect your ideas.

She is the founder of CCMAD, (Creativity Can Make a Difference), a network aimed at empowering young people through fostering safe spaces for them to innovate, create and invent. Tutsirai believes that we should all allow our ideas to come to life and bring impact and change in this world.

Tell us about CCMAD.

CCMAD (Creativity Can Make a Difference) is a non-profit organisation that aims to create safe spaces for young people to invent, innovate and create. Those between the ages of 21-35 get an opportunity to come together and birth new ways of thinking and incubate alternative narratives. We want to advance Africa and its ideas to ensure that it becomes a reference to the world’s progress!

Photo provided by Tutsirai Jenje

Considering you are working on different projects of diverse natures, which one would you say defines you and why? Which one is your favourite?

They [are] all my projects, in different spheres, but I’ve put my all into each of them. I don’t have a favourite one.

What motivated you to start Artswork Advertising?

I had a desire to bring a solution to people who had brilliant ideas but didn’t know how to present them into the market and actually catch the attention of their ideal clients. I started Artworks to help business owners communicate effectively and successfully through design and advertising.

What keeps you going on the tough days?

Consistently putting my dreams and goals in front of me daily and my desire to leave a legacy for my children and impact people’s lives in the process.

What would your advice to women who want to be in business like you be?

Don’t procrastinate…start! When we overthink and wait too long, we can miss great opportunities.

What are the core principles you think every business person should take into consideration when it comes to brand visibility?

They should crystalise the following questions:

  1. What do I want to build?
  2. What does my business want to be known for?
  3. Who are the people who will gain the most value from my product/service?
  4. Lastly, where are these people, so you get in front of them and sell!

What do you think are the keys to success for women, especially those multitasking, that is being a wife, mum, business partner, etc?

The major key to success is you knowing what success looks like to you. Do you know what you want to achieve? Do you know what you want to become? What you want to acquire? If you do not have that clarity before you daily then how do you know you are going in the right direction when it comes to your success? So the key is to find what success looks like to you and then pursue it!

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