Dear Seeker…

You feel down today because only 60 people liked your post. You were hoping for at least 100. You check your feed every few minutes, wondering when the masses are going to swoop in and marvel at the selfie you just posted. Then you look to see which “friends” are online and wonder why they haven’t liked your picture yet. You take that personally.

I don’t know you personally, but wish I could tell you not to let social media validate your existence.

You want so badly to belong and to be accepted, that you have manufactured an online persona so contrary to who you really are, and it’s draining you.

Your self-image is built and maintained by other people’s opinion of you. I wish I could tell you to just be yourself.

I wish I could tell you not to let social media validate your existence.

Not everyone will like you, and that’s OK. Don’t try too hard, and don’t change who you are. Carry yourself with pride and be your true self.

Don’t let social media validate your existence, it will crush you when you don’t get the response you desire. Instead, use it as a tool for your growth and self-development. Seek out a group that accepts you as you are and builds you up. Be around Queens who surround themselves with positivity, and who attract attention because of their good works.

We all want to belong, but embrace who you truly are and be the best version of yourself. Remember, there is life outside social media.

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