Sipho Mazibuko Shares How She Bounced Back From a Nervous Breakdown

Sipho Mazibuko is a bubbly 46-year-old who resides in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. She is energetic and a typical hustler. Though she has seen dark days, she has survived them all.

“I started business 15 years ago,” Sipho told The Weight She Carries. “They were humble beginnings where I kicked off with flea markets. [In] no time my first boutique was born, which I named Strides. In 2008, I decided to diversify and started a furniture shop.”

One of her ventures was a boutique called Ms Rural Zimbabwe. All was going well until Sipho suffered a nervous breakdown which derailed her in terms of business.

“The reason for the breakdown was the strain I got from Miss Rural Zimbabwe. Even though I founded it, there [were] people at that time that tried to take it away from me and it stressed me out a lot,” she said.

It was at this stage that her boutique closed down. This really pulled her down as she had nurtured it from just having a handbag to its current stage.

“I missed travelling. Shopping is an activity that increases adrenaline and during those days I could not travel, my business suffered and resulted in it closing down,” she said. “I got great support from my mother, who flew from UK to be with me as well as my husband and children. The nurses and doctors were also very competent and always told me the stages that I was at, what to expect and how to deal with it.”

Sipho explained that a nervous breakdown is intense mental distress and may cause fatigue and burnout and bipolar is when your mood swings from one extreme to another, from very happy to very sad just like that.

She further elaborated, “It’s controlled by medication and I also surround myself with people who genuinely care for me, do lots of gardening in my venue, cook for my family, and travel.”

Because she had taken the necessary steps to protect her business, she wasn’t worried about completely losing everything.

“I simply registered my trademarks internationally to prevent plagiarism,” she said. “Ms Rural is now a registered trademark; no one can steal it from me.”

When Sipho was asked how she overcame her nervous breakdown and the resulting strain to her business, she had the following to say:

“My survival and overcoming was all because of God. In terms of business, I had not gone down to having nothing. The salon was a big fall on as I received income every month end. I also ensured Ms Rural Zimbabwe became a trademark and it is one of a kind as it celebrates women from rural areas.”

She emphasized that it is important to accept one’s situation and “live by it.” She further advised, “Ignore stigma. Also know you may lose friends along the way.”

In addition to her other accomplishments, Sipho is the owner of beautiful wedding venue.

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  1. 1
    Solomon Makadzange

    I am glad to have got connected with these strong and courageous people.
    I suffered a Stroke (Cadio Vascular Accident) in 1992, September 27 and I am moving on. Am not complaining.
    Have learned a number of short courses and ventured into many valuable activities.
    My main aid is to be an independent Enterprenoer,

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