The Danger of Comparison

If two people were given the task of getting from Point A to Point B and the first person got there in an hour and the second person took over three hours, what would you conclude about the second person? Is that person slow, unfocused, unfit, or just plain lazy?

What if I told you that the first person walked over smooth terrain and hitched a ride for half the distance whereas the second one had to use a winding, mountainous path and sprained an ankle partway through the hike?

That’s the danger in comparing ourselves to others. We often use superficial terms to judge our progress. But we forget that what may be a smooth ride for someone else may be a great challenge for us and that this does not reflect on our worth.

Instead of thinking that others are better than you, look at your own journey. Are you headed in the right direction? Are you getting somewhere? Are you pushing yourself and growing stronger? Then by all means keep climbing. You’ll get there.

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